Understand your Customer Journey

Comment découvrir la complexité de votre Customer Journey ?

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The “classic” marketing attribution models, still similar for the moment to single touch (e.g. first or last interaction valued at 100% for a conversion), can quickly find their limits.

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 These models actually generate questions:

  • How to reward with certainty a single actor for a conversion, when several other actors were present on the path of conversion?
  • Is it really this actor that has been decisive in the purchase process of your users?
  • Are there other touches or contact points that have created more value in the Customer Journey?
  • Is there a more relevant marketing attribution rule for your media mix?
  • Could your budget arbitration be done with reports valuing the contribution of each lever?

Before embarking on a complete reassessment of your marketing attribution, 2 prerequisites are necessary:

1.   Own a rich and varied media mix, with complex Customer Journey.

2.   Show some “maturity” in your approach to attribution (if you kept reading so far, it is that this prerequisite is validated).

Now, it remains to determine whether this curiosity about marketing attribution, or even the desire to change your models and your approach, is justified given your current media mix. First, let’s get back to basics: what is a complex Customer Journey?

Parcours multidevice


Behind this question, which might seem simplistic, a context needs to be put back in place.

We are constantly developing new ways to deliver advertising messages, and therefore opportunities to reach individuals. Naturally, this leads to more chances of hitting the same person several times across different marketing channels (e.g. social networks, affiliation, direct access, sponsored links, price comparators). The complexity of the Customer Journey is thus created, but to what extent?

To identify the level of complexity of a Customer Journey, these 3 questions need to be asked:

  • On average, how many media touches are needed to generate a conversion?
  • What is the average time between a touch and a conversion?
  • Are media paths (ie the sequence of marketing touches) simple, mono device and short? Or long, varied and cross device?
Customer Journey complexe


From the moment your brand communicates through a rich and varied media mix, it would be tempting for you to answer: “Yes, my Customer Journey must be complex”.

But is this really the case? Do your prospects have the same buying process as your loyal customers? Is it the same journey for newsletter sign-up, printer cartridges or computer purchases?

This is why it is important to validate or not this hunch, through a method of analysis.

Analyse Customer Journey


Measuring the number of touches will represent the introduction of your analysis. Indeed, if you notice that only a few touches are needed to convert, then, there is a good chance that your journeys are short and fast.

The study of the duration will also be a valuable indicator of the complexity of your Customer Journey. If it is fast, it is that your purchasing process is effective, and it will not necessarily be essential to go further in your investigations.

The analysis of the media paths will allow you to identify if the succession of marketing touches is important. You are not immune to relatively simple journeys with many repetitions of the same channels. Changing your attribution’s rules will not change much in the end of the current distribution of sales.

  Moreover, it will be interesting to cross these analyzes by changing the conversion objective (eg quote, sale, cart) as well as the population studied (eg Male / Female, Client / Prospect), in order to have a panoramic vision of the complexity of your customer journey.

In the end, if you are now certain that you have a complex and varied Customer Journey, you can confidently start the evolution of your attribution strategy.

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